部活動(絵カード)Club activities (picture cards)【6年】¥100
37の部活動のイラストです。教科書についている絵カードには地元の中学校の部活が含まれていなかったので、37部分作りました大抵の部活動は入っていると思います。This is a collection of 37 illustrations of club activities.The picture cards included in the textbook did not cover the local middle school's club activities, so I created 37 illustrations. I believe most of the club activities are included.
*日本の中学校の運動部は普通チームとして活動しているので、teamとしました。でも、剣道部、柔道部、陸上部など個人競技の場合はteam ではなくclubと書いている教科書もあります。
They are created in PowerPoint. You can also print them out to use as picture cards. To show the activities, I've added illustrations of sports fields in the background. If there's any club activity you can't find, please let me know and I'll create it.
*In Japanese junior high schools, athletic clubs usually operate as teams, so I used 'team.' However, for individual sports like Kendo, Judo, and Track and Field, some textbooks use 'club' instead of 'team.'
Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, American Football, Softball, Badminton, Hockey, Handball, Table Tennis, Soft Tennis, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Gymnastics, Ice Skating, Ski, Swimming, Track and Field, Judo, Sumo, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kendo, Chorus, Computer, Literature, Broadcasting, String music, Drama, Science, Tea Ceremony, Volunteer, Shogi, Calligraphy, Art, Brass Band, ESS, Cooking