Triple Clue Challenge: Video Edition(3ヒントクイズ:動画付き)6年 ¥200

Using three illustrations as clues, students guess what the job is. A key feature is that the answers are shown as videos. Surprisingly, while kids might know the names of various occupations, they often don't know what those jobs actually involve. The 4-second videos help them easily visualize these jobs👀

Slide Count: 54 slides
Slide Structure:
・Each slide contains 3 animations.
・Each hint (illustration and English text) is revealed one at a time by clicking.
・The answer is shown as an automatic 4-second video without clicking.

スライド枚数: 54枚

パワーポイントをビデオにしたので、画像が乱れていますが、パワーポイントではきれいに見えます。Since I've converted my PowerPoint presentation into a video, the images have become distorted. However, they look fine in the PowerPoint presentation itself.


Triple Clue Challenge(3ヒントクイズ)¥200

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