Interview your teachers about their daily routine(5年)
毎年、一番人気は校長先生。寝る時間が遅い先生たち。「そんなに遅くまで一体何をしているんだろう?」不思議みたいです。Every year, the most popular interviewee is the principal. Teachers who stay up late are also quite intriguing. Students often wonder, "What on earth are they doing up so late?"
1)まずは、友達と練習。両面印刷で、12人と会話ができて、英語も覚えられそう。First, practice with friends. With double-sided printing, you can converse with 12 people, making it a great way to get used to English expressions too.
2)つぎは、紙に英語が書かれていない思い出しながら、質問。Next, practice asking questions without looking at the English text. The worksheet doesn't have any English written on it.
3)いよいよ、休み時間に先生に質問に行ってみよう!Finally, let's go ask the teachers questions during recess!
インタビュー活動の協力のお願い(職員用)Request for Cooperation in the Interview Activity (For Staff) Japaneses Only