フォント FONTS【4~6年】¥100

「同じアルファベットでもいろいろなフォントがある」ということを知ってもらいたくて作りました。I created this to help students understand that "even the same letter can come in various fonts."


For students who are not familiar with the alphabet, different fonts can make the letters look like completely different characters. Especially with "a" and "g," they often appear as entirely distinct symbols. With a quiz like "How many 'a's can you find?" the letter "a" might be difficult to identify, but since students are used to seeing the Japanese character "あ" every day, they will easily spot it. This kind of experience can help them realize that even unknown characters can become familiar over time. Teachers who aren't familiar with Japanese, please give the quiz on the character "あ" a try! 😊




いろいろなフォント( 日本語版と英語版) Various Fonts (Japanese Version and English Version) ¥100

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