Paid: Occupations (English version)【6年】
⓵3-Hint Quiz: Learn about 43 types of professions through a quiz format. 45 PowerPoint slides.
⓶Card-based Activities
⓷YouTube Activities
⓵3-Hint Quiz: Learn about 43 types of professions through a quiz format.
45 PowerPoint slides. The hints are written in simple English. Please use only the English you want to teach. You can also modify the sentences."
Doctor, Police Officer, Firefighter, Veterinarian, Teacher, Pastry Chef, Chef, Astronaut, Actor, Artist, Musician, Farmer, Carpenter, Scientist, Hairdresser Architect, Announcer, Soccer Player, Nurse, Singer, Dentist, Pilot, Builder, Lawyer, Flight Attendant, Comedian, Photographer, Game Creator
Fisherman, Magician, Dancer, Florist, DJ, Programmer, Office Worker, Driver, Athlete, Writer, Nursery Teacher, Baker, Plumber (Super Mario's job), Fashion Designer, Zookeeper
⓶Card-based Activities ( I create cards in PDF and PowerPoint. In PowerPoint, you can edit and select only the necessary illustrations.)
⓷YouTube Activities (14 PowerPoint slides, 2 types of worksheets)
You need an internet connection.
Occupations ( PDF and PowerPoint) ¥100