Free:一番の思い出に残っている行事について話そう!Let's talk in pairs about the most memorable event!(6年)
小学校で一番の思い出に残っている行事について、ペアで話をしましょう!例えば、運動会ではどんなエピソードがあるのか、互いに聞いてみましょう。Let's talk in pairs about the most memorable event from elementary school! For example, ask each other about what happened during the sports festival.

As an advanced activity, I have also been preparing an option to "Ask the ALT about elementary school events" (optional, for a fee). Since there is a section to write "what you understood and noticed," it can be used as a reference for evaluating "attitude towards proactive learning."
As an advanced activity, I have also been preparing an option to "Ask the ALT about elementary school events" (optional, for a fee). Since there is a section to write "what you understood and noticed," it can be used as a reference for evaluating "attitude towards proactive learning."
*名前の欄には、、3人の名前が書けるようになっています。In the name section, there is space for three names.
指導案とワークシート Lesson Plan and Worksheet (¥0)