Unscramble the Words 文字並べかえクイズ(6年)

YouTubeを活用したアクティビティ ばらばらに並んだ単語を、正しい順に並べると「職業」になります。

YouTube-Based Activity In this activity, students arrange jumbled words into the correct order to form "professions".


YouTube-Based Activity

In this activity, students arrange jumbled words into the correct order to form "professions". Students watch a video and can answer verbally, but I have focused on writing activities. Two types of worksheets have been prepared, each in both color and monochrome versions.
1) Illustrated Worksheet: Students choose the correct answer from the illustrations. There is an English word under each illustration as a clue.
2) Blank Worksheet with Lines: This is a blank worksheet with only lines for writing answers, without any clues.

日本語 指導案 (Japanese)


English Teaching plan

Teaching Plan (YouTube)

日本語 ワークシート (Japanese)  

③ ユーチューブ (解答用紙 カラーと白黒)

English worksheets

YouTube Activities ( 4 Worksheets )

指導案とワークシート(PDF)¥0 Teaching plan and worksheets(PDF)¥0

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